Sunday, October 21, 2012

Announcing the 12/12/12K

Cold weather means fun running! That is why we want you to come celebrate 12/12/2012 while running a 12K through our wonderful Town of Erie. This really is not a race... it is a fun group run! Let us be clear... there will be no prizes. What there will be is a fun group and Drew will be cooking a warm pancake breakfast with hot chocolate! This run is to benefit nothing  except maybe create some good times and memories.

If you are worried that you will not be fast enough, please come anyway! We will make sure NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND! This is a FUN run! Seriously, it doesn't get much funner than running with some friends and hoping your snot does not freeze! 

Too many rules are lame... so let's keep it real. Here are the rules we will need to keep. These rules as important as weather could be crazy, which no matter the weather we will run it (or maybe walk... whatever you want to do)!

1. Bring all the possible cold weather clothes you have! 
2. We will try to keep you off of roads but when on roads run against traffic or on sidewalk (you know that Erie traffic on a cold winter morning can be crazy). 
3. Don't complain. Seriously, you have to laugh and have fun... no one is making you do this (well we might actually pretty much force you to come) :) 
4. Please, let us know if you are planning to come by December 8. You can show up and run, as there is no registration... but it will be helpful to have an estimate of people coming so we can feed you! 
5. Bring a head lamp or hand held flash light. 
6. Do not litter... that is sooo not cool. 
7. Run with a buddy! We do not want anyone left in the dust. We will make sure everyone gets breakfast so don't selfishly leave a friend (or stranger) behind in the dark. 
8. I would recommend you to take a cell phone along with you... if you run into trouble everyone will have Drew's cell phone number. 
9. Anyone can participate. That means kiddos, adults, and the wise! 
10 Be nice. Don't be mean.... and if you are mean Drew will eat your breakfast. 

If you have questions about cold weather running clothes let us know! 
We will be posting the map on here shortly. The race will start (at 5:30am) and finish at our home (401 Smith Circle). 

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